Ikan ocellaris

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ikan ini sangat menakjubkan akan kegesitan nya dan juga indah warnanya dapat berubah ubah

Ikan ocellaris

Si rakus yang exsotis dari sungai Amazon

Peacock bass

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ikan asal sungai amazon ini adalah jenis ikan predator besarnya dapat mencapai hingga 1 meter

Peacock bass

Lobster batik

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lion fish

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Is beutiful lobster

Sand Lobster

More than 1 year in my aquarium

Sand Lobster

Here my lobster in my tank

How to make salt water

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to mix saltwater

New seawater is going to be mixed many times in the future. Why not take a little extra trouble in the initial mix and save a lot of time later?

When purchasing the sea salt, obtain salt that is specifically designed for use with R/O water, as this should be used rather than tap water.

The net gallonage of the aquarium is known. Having purchased the dry sea salt, it is fairly easy to guess the amount that is needed to meet the intended SG of the aquarium seawater, by looking at the suggestions of the manufacturer. Measure out a little less than it appears may be needed. Once the salt has been measured out, weigh it and take a note. It is recommended that grams are used when weighing the salt.

Before we consider mixing saltwater, fresh water is needed. It has already been decided that Reverse Osmosis (R/O) water will be used. R/O water takes a considerable while to produce in any quantity, so the collection must be set in motion in good time so as to be available for the mix. The R/O unit instructions will give a reasonable estimate of how many gallons can be produced in a given time, but add a little more time to cover variables.

So the mixing bucket is ready, plus the seawater heater and air pump. Place the weighed salt in the bucket and pour sufficient R/O water in to bring the level to the required number of gallons. Give the salt a good stir to initially mix it in, a wooden stick (clean) will do. Set off the heater and air pump. Remember that the temperature of the mix needs to be at or very close to the temperature of the seawater in the aquarium. (Also, temperature has an effect on an SG reading.) Leave for about 8 to 12 hours, more does no harm, this will allow the salt to fully mix and the temperature to stabilise.

After the suggested time, measure the SG with the hydrometer:

a. If the SG reading is too low, measure out a little more salt and take a note of the weight. Add the salt to the bucket and allow more time for the salt to be fully dissolved. Then test again, if more salt is needed then proceed as above. If the mix is correct then add the salt weights together and put the total in the notebook.

b. If the SG reading is too high, add a little reverse osmosis water (note the amount) to the mix and give time for the temperature to stabilise. Test again. If still too high, add a little more RO water (again note the amount). If correct, note the total amount of additional RO water used. By fraction, the salt can be reduced for the next mix.

Often, the correct amount of salt to be used in the mix is arrived at by the methods of both a. and b. above. Once the amount of salt by weight is known and noted, new seawater mixing is straightforward. However, for the first few new seawater mixes it is recommended that the SG is measured for each mix, until confident that the SG is consistently correct.

Visit the ‘Salt Water Aquarium’ website if you are interested in learning more about aquarium care .

Reef aquarium

Salt Water Aquariums

"REVEALED: All The In Depth Information You Will Ever Need To Start Your Very Own Salt Water Aquarium!"

People just like you, all over the world are setting up their own salt water aquariums and enjoying their very own slice of the ocean.

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Start your own salt water fish or reef aquarium
Correctly care for and maintain your aquarium so that it remains trouble free for years to come.
Increase the types of fish and corals which you can keep in your aquarium.

PLUS - all this information is in an easy to understand, step by step format.

Fishing Trip

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Berangkat dari bandung jam 13:30 sampai di pangandaran kira kira pukul 18:30 untuk melepas lelah perjalanan kami mencari penginapan,esoknya kami persiapkan peralatan pancing dan mulai mencari spot lokasi,dan akhirnya kami pilih sebuah bagan di tengah laut pantai timur pangandaran sebagai tempat memancing.birunya air laut dan indahnya ikan ikan warna warni menemani kami,

Fishing Trip

Dengan menggunakan perahu nelayan kami menyebrang menuju bagan

Fishing Trip

Sebuah bagan di mulut teluk pantai timur pangandaran jadi pilihan untuk memancing kali ini

Fishing Trip

Akhirnya strike pertama terjadi juga seekor ikan triger berhasil terangkat, bravo kang jenny...

Lampu led

Friday, May 8, 2009

Buat para reef aquaris mungkin ini adalah sebuah angin segar sebab dengan adanya lampu ini para aquaris yang biasa menggunakan MH dapat menggantikan nya dengan lampu led ini,kelebihan dari lampu ini adalah 30 watt setara dengan 250 watt lampu mercuri,juga lampu ini tidak memancarkan panas sehingga para aquaris tidak memerlukan ciller lagi untuk menjaga suhu airnya,dan lagi lampu led ini dapat tahan hingga hingga 100.000 jam waw....super irit bukan:-o

Budidaya lobster laut dalam Aquarium

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jika anda mau mencoba untuk membudidayakan lobster laut dalam aquarium,cara dan peralatan nya cukup gampang dan mudah serta sederhana,apalagi bila anda udah bosan pelihara ikan hias air laut air dan peralatanya bisa anda gunakan,lobster air laut adalah jenis lobster yang mempunyai daya tahan yang cukup kuat dibanding lobster tawar,dan tingkat kematiannya rendah serta harga pasar yang tinggi,Lobstes laut terdiri dari beberapa jenis yang kesemuanya masih kerabat udang udangan

Lobster karang

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mempuyai badan yang pendek

Lobster mutiara

Merupakan lobster laut yang mempunyai corak yang indah

Lobster batik

Dan juga masih jenis lobster laut

Lobster tiger

Salah satu jenis lobster laut yang paling berharga dan bisa di budidaya


Lobster pasir

Lobster pasir

Lobster karang

Lobster karang

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Masih dalam perkembanga

Lobser mutiara

Selain enak di makan dan juga enak dimakan

Budidaya Lobster laut

Lobster batik ini masih dapat berkembang lebih besar lagi umurnyapun dapat mencapai sepuluh tahun lebih

Lion fish

Lion fish

Indo pasific

Home reef aquarium


Reef aquarium

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pergantian kulit

Pergantian kulit ini terjadi di karenakan perkembangan (pembesaran)dari lobster itu dan ini terjadi jika pola makan yang baik dapat terjadi dalam 3 bulan sekali

Panorama sepanjang perjalanan

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Panorama sepanjang perjalanan Bandung-Cicalengka adalah hamparan sawah hijau

Baraya Geulis

Penumpang KA Baraya Geulis jurusan Padalarang-Cicalengka

Daehatsu Taft

Untuk keperluan inspeksi jeep ini di modifikasi sehingga bi berjalan di atas rel

Sarang Kecoa

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sayang sungguh sayang,keretaku sayang keretaku malang..jadi tempat kecoa bersarang berebut tempat dengan penumpang

KRD Ekonomi

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Efektipnya KRD ekonomi jurusan Cicalengka - Padalarang adalah 8 gerbong,demi keselamatan penumpang,apa PT KAI tidak mementingkan keselamatan para penumpang?

Anak tangga

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Biasa pada kumpul jam 12 teng

Cakar group

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baraya Geulis

Monday, February 9, 2009

Baraya Geulis

Rute baraya geulis Padalarang-Cicalengka

My reef aquarium

My reef aquarium


Ikan Badut dlm aquarium

Calung tunggal

Cakar group,adalah salah satu group pengamen yang menghibur penumpang KRD Ekonomi jurusan padalarang Cicalengka